
CV and Resume of Johannes Rave

Industrial designer, car modeller and former nightclub owner, now Computer Science student and IT consultant.

A passionate coder and professional designer with logical thinking, I have a great willingness to learn, good communication skills and diverse work experience.

Recently I began working as an IT consultant at INNOQ.

Formal documents and contact information

Portfolio projects


This desktop application was built in JavaFX as a student project. It has a DARK MODE, implemented with CSS.

drawingApp demo


Splicer2D is an action-packed mobile game with a novel game-mechanism designed with Unity and written in C#.



verstehbank is my entry for the web-technology course at my university. It showcases a very simple and understandable responsive web-app for online banking, targetted at people with simple requirements annoyed or confused by the distractions of more elaborate and hard to understand offerings. A test-account is “beateweber”, password “1955”. Your transaction history will be saved to localStorage, so your balance should stay consistent over several sessions within the same browser.

CSS Zen Garden

The CSS Zen Garden is a collaborative website originally dating back to 2003. Web-designers showcased the power of CSS and their own skills by styling a defined page of HTML-markup in hundreds of variants. This is my version of the page, built as part of a CSS course at my university.


Scripting and automation


This is a software package to create AR-filters for Instagram. Similarly to C# and Unity, it is possible to integrate TypeScript coding into the filters using the SparkAR-API. I work with this regularily to expand the possibilities of the studio-software, integrate game logic or debug existing problems with the young package. For example I did this:

Coding challenges and certificates

To better understand and contribute to work in the IT industry, I recently aquired my PSM I certificate:

My Professional Scrum Master I

Besides my studies in Computer Science and Media, I have been learning and honing my skills on hackerrank, exercism and freecodecamp.

Have a look at my solutions to coding challenges here:

Generative Design

There are several node-based geometry packages in the industrial-design-space, but the most important one is Grasshopper, which ships with Rhino3D. Grasshopper can be used to generate repetitive geometry, recursive patterns and all kinds of interesting models and shapes. This can be achieved using nodes (visual programming), Python, and C#. I have worked with all of them, depending on the task at hand.

There is a bit of a learning curve, and professionals who master generating production-ready geometry are sought after, especially since the model has to incorporate minute design changes that only come up during the process. I built my models in a flexible way by separating concerns, to be able to include those design changes without having to begin from scratch on each iteration.

Unfortunately, I can’t share images of these projects, as they were done for customers confidentially. I will still list them here to give an idea of the kind of task completed.

Game-design and visual design

The Secret of Maike Island

This is a classical point’n’click adventure game built in Adventure Game Studio as a birthday present.

It deals with socio-economic pressures of the housing market in metropolitan clusters and destroying stuff with a bottle of prosecco.

The Secret of Maike Island

Käpt’n Wildschwein

I designed “Capt’n Boar” as a hero character for my nieces and nephews and modelled him in Blender. They sometimes send me drawings of him with his famous barrel of spaghetti.

Capt'n Boar

Product-design and Automotive Modelling

Nightclub wolf

In 2012 I founded wolf, a 600sqm nightclub in the cellar of a brewery in Pforzheim.
It ran on great music, an honest amotsphere and a terrific staff of up to 16 people until January 2014. The facebook page includes pictures of the location and events, and features the visual art style of our promotional material.

This repo as a website / This website as a repo